
08:30 - 09:30
1 January 2023

Short Lectures 1) "The Common Ground on which Responsible World Citizens Stand" and 2) "Brahmavidya Ashrama"


1) "The Common Ground on which Responsible World Citizens Stand"

Mr Pradeep Gohil, President of the Indian Section of the TS

1. The world which is divided into nations for ease of management and proper administration is also the cradle of war and destruction. As responsible citizens of the world, we should not allow that to happen.

2. Mr J. Krishnamurthy had said "I am the rest of mankind and I am totally responsible.

3. All of us are personally and severally responsible for what is happening in this interconnected world.

4. Cause of destruction in the world is the fact that our beliefs have become stronger than love.

5. We are the World and the World is within us.

6. If we can transform ourselves, we can transform the world.

7. If there is to be peace in this interconnected world, it is our responsibility to be peaceful ourselves.

8. There are a number of challenges and responsibilities of Global citizens.

9. The idea of Global Citizenship has to be given a lot of importance in the interconnected world.

10.True Globalization is in every one's interest.


2) Brahmavidya Ashrama

Mrs Erica Georgiades, Director of the School of the Wisdom

This presentation will focus on the history of The Brahmavidya Ashrama, today known as The School of Wisdom, founded by Annie Besant, Krishnamurti, and others in 1922.



Erica Georgiades
Director of the School of the Wisdom of Adyar, living in Greece
Pradeep Gohil
President of the Indian Section of the Theosophical Society
10:00 - 11:00
1 January 2023

Symposium on "Responsibility"

Symposium on Responsibility

1. "Realizing the Relationship"

Shikhar Agnihotri, India 

Why is Compassion called the law of laws? Why is Love-Wisdom considered the most important qualification on the path of discipleship? Why are the Adepts often referred to as Masters of Love-Wisdom-Compassion? Why is Self-Realization given so much importance in every spiritual discipline across the planet? And Why is the realization of Universal Brotherhood so significant that its strong assertion can be observed not only in every theosophical literature including the Mahatma Letters or The Secret Doctrine but also in the three objects of the Theosophical Society? What is THAT Relationship? For this and much more, kindly attend the session in person at Adyar theatre or online via zoom or youtube.

2. "Knowing Being Doing"

Vibha Saksena, India

Responsibilities stem from the roles we assume. Roles emerge from the relationships we share. What we ‘do’ to shoulder our responsibilities, is influenced by our ‘being’ or inner nature, which in turn, evolves as we gain clarity in ‘knowing’ our relationships. This short talk focuses on how relationships help in our spiritual evolution, culmination of which is the ultimate purpose of Life.

3. "Altruism and Regeneration: the Responsibility We Have for One Another"

Stephen McDonald, National President of the TS in Australia

This talk will discuss the significance of altruism and regeneration by using the symbolism of the lotus as an analogy.  It will draw upon Theosophical perspectives about both of these principles and their importance in bonding our lodges as centres for spiritual regeneration.


Shikhar Agnihotri
Convention Officer, National Lecturer and International Speaker
Vibha Saksena
National Lecturer of the Indian Section and
Stephen McDonald
National President of the TS in Australia
11:00 - 11:40
1 January 2023

Informal Discussion Groups

After the talks

Informal Discussion Groups
13:00 - 15:00
1 January 2023

Indian Section Council Meeting - I

For Indian Section Council members only


Pradeep Gohil
President of the Indian Section of the Theosophical Society
Social Welfare Centre children
Vocational Training Centre performance
13:30 - 15:00
1 January 2023

Cultural Activities by SWC and VTC

Social Welfare Centre (SWC) and Vocational Training Centre (VTC) present cultural activities at SWC near the main gate.


15:00 - 16:00
1 January 2023

Workshops in four different places

Choose which workshop you like to join. You can change the workshop next day if you wish.

1. "Mini" School of the Wisdom (SOW)

"Theosophy and Ecology: Practical Wisdom for Living in the Contemporary World"

The three days workshop focuses on practical ways to broaden and deepen our sense of self beyond the narrow ego to an identification with all living beings. 

Moderator: Erica Georgiades, Director of the School of the Wisdom

Venue: Adyar Theatre

1st January: Linda Oliveira

(2nd January: Radha Raghunathan)

(3rd January: Pradeep Gohil)


2. Chanting workshop

Facilitator Ms Jaishree Kannan, TS Adyar

Venue: Headquarters Hall

Delegates attending all the 3 sessions would be able to chant a Shanti Mantra or two at the end of 3rd session. The leader recommends the ancient Vedic way of learning chanting which is by complete listening. Hence there would not be any written material required nor does it require any stationery ( paper, pen, pencil etc.) Let there be peace by chanting the Shanti Mantra.


3. Science and Compassion workshop

Facilitator Mr Janne Vuononvirta, General Secretary of the Finnish Section

Venue: Library, Conference Hall

1st January: The Power of Compassion

(2nd January: Compassion for Oneself)

(3rd January: Compassion for Others)

Compassion is in the core of every true spiritual tradition. During the past decades a growing body of scientific research on compassion has emerged. This scientific knowledge can help us to deepen our understanding of the value of compassion in our personal lives and in the world in general. We can frame compassion as a set of skills that can be developed and trained. In this workshop we investigate together the connection between theosophical and scientific understanding of compassion and the practices how to built the skills of the heart.


4. World Music and Dance workshop

Facilitators from LEAP Boundary Breakers Choir of World Music

Venue: Blavatsky Bungalow downstairs.

The Choir's facilitators will teach some easy singing and easy choreography. You can join also just watching and supporting the efforts. In the evening program at 7:30 PM, the group with participants will perform together what they have learned.


Erica Georgiades
Director of the School of the Wisdom of Adyar, living in Greece
Janne Vuononvirta
General Secretary of the Finnish Section
Jaishree Kannan
Librarian and Officer in charge of the Surendra Narayan Archives
LEAP Boundary Breakers
World Music & Dance Ensemble
Linda Oliveira
Former National President of the TS in Australia
17:00 - 18:00
1 January 2023

PUBLIC LECTURE: "Individuation and Global Responsibility: the Subtle Magic of Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Mandela"

Dr James Tepfer

United Lodge of Theosophists in Santa Barbara, California, USA

What does it mean -- in the classical sense -- to ‘spiritually individuate’, to become a self-determining, creative contributor to the uplift of the whole of society? To the whole of mankind? In what way can our deeply felt sense of responsibility for the spiritually, intellectually, and economically impoverished of the globe ignite a subtle heart-fire within us that summons the progressive incarnation of our radiant, immortal individuality? Finally, what life-long lessons can we extract from the transformational impact of exceptional statesmen such as Lincoln, Eisenhower and Mandela -- harbingers of the “universal civilizations” of the future? All of these crucial questions will be explored and telling historical examples cited for the sake of clarifying our understanding of wise and responsible acts of compassion.


Dr James Tepfer
Lecturer from the United Lodge of Theosophists in Santa Barbara, California
19:30 - 20:30
1 January 2023

New Year's Day Concert



Global Rhythms World Music & Dance Ensemble
Artistic Director - Srinivas Krishnan


Abinav Sridharan, Nidhi Saraogi, & Sharan Moolathara

Embar Kannan & Vijay Natesan,

Shrikar Varadarajan & Gokul Shyamsundar

Varshaa Ramesh & Sundaresan Pandurangan


Kriti Venkatesh, Meera Krishnasankar, Vaibhav Krishna, Samrutha SB, Shwetha Anand, and Laasya Anand

LEAP Boundary Breakers Choir (from BVM Adyar, Sprouts Montessori, & Adyar Theosophical Academy) 

New Year's Day Concert

SUNDAY January 1, 2023

7.30 PM at Adyar Theatre

After successful presentations at our conventions at Varanasi and Adyar, as well as several destinations including IIT Madras, Columbia University, Miami University, CRPF and Kala Ghoda festival, the LEAP Boundary Breakers are set to rock at TS Adyar on January 1, 2023 


LEAP Boundary Breakers
World Music & Dance Ensemble
08:30 - 09:30
2 January 2023

Devotional Meeting

Puja conducted by Sis. Chandrika Mehta

At the Bharata Samaj Temple, which is called Temple of Light.

10:00 - 11:00
2 January 2023

Theosophical Order of Service (TOS)

Presentation by Nancy Secrest, TOS International Secretary, USA / Resident at Adyar, India


Nancy Secrest
International Secretary of TOS and International Treasurer of the TS
11:00 - 12:00
2 January 2023


Theosophical Order of Service in India will gather together.

All delegates are welcome to attend.

13:30 - 15:00
2 January 2023

Visit to Adyar Theosophical Academy (ATA)

You are welcome to visit ATA and meet some senior children who come to the school for any interaction, and to take visitors through the display of their work.

ATA is opposite the Library Gate, at Besant Garden side.

15:00 - 16:00
2 January 2023

Workshops in four different places

Choose which workshop you like to join. You can change the workshop next day if you wish.

1. "Mini" School of the Wisdom (SOW)

"Theosophy and Ecology: Practical Wisdom for Living in the Contemporary World"

The three days workshop focuses on practical ways to broaden and deepen our sense of self beyond the narrow ego to an identification with all living beings. 

Moderator: Erica Georgiades, Director of the School of the Wisdom

Venue: Adyar Theatre

(1st January: Linda Oliveira)

2nd January: Radha Raghunathan

(3rd January: Pradeep Gohil)


2. Chanting workshop

Facilitator Ms Jaishree Kannan, TS Adyar

Venue: Headquarters Hall

Delegates attending all the 3 sessions would be able to chant a Shanti Mantra or two at the end of 3rd session. The leader recommends the ancient Vedic way of learning chanting which is by complete listening. Hence there would not be any written material required nor does it require any stationery ( paper, pen, pencil etc.) Let there be peace by chanting the Shanti Mantra.


3. Science and Compassion workshop

Facilitator Mr Janne Vuononvirta, General Secretary of the Finnish Section

Venue: Library, Conference Hall

(1st January: The Power of Compassion)

2nd January: Compassion for Oneself

(3rd January: Compassion for Others)

Compassion is at the core of every true spiritual tradition. During the past decades a growing body of scientific research on compassion has emerged. This scientific knowledge can help us to deepen our understanding of the value of compassion in our personal lives and in the world in general. We can frame compassion as a set of skills that can be developed and trained. In this workshop we investigate together the connection between theosophical and scientific understanding of compassion and the practices how to build the skills of the heart.


4. Learning and Growing with Transformative Education

Facilitator: Sonal Murali, Director of Adyar Theosophical Academy

Venue: Blavatsky Bungalow Upstairs

The main flaw of education today is that ‘a lot is taught but little is learnt or understood’. And that little has little relevance in life later on. At Adyar Theosophical Academy, we believe for education to be meaningful, it must be transformative. The emphasis is on immersive learning, through hands-on discovery and usage of all senses, guided by the principles of respect, responsibility and community. The theosophical approach to education is to see that the uniqueness of each child is celebrated, drawn out and given wings to express in myriad ways freely. In our tranquil campus, we see the transformative journeys of our teachers and students, learning from and in nature. Join us, as we share inspiring stories from our experience of learning and growing through Transformative Education.


Erica Georgiades
Director of the School of the Wisdom of Adyar, living in Greece
Janne Vuononvirta
General Secretary of the Finnish Section
Jaishree Kannan
Librarian and Officer in charge of the Surendra Narayan Archives
Sonal Murali
Director of Adyar Theosophical Academy
Radha Raghunathan
Director of Sanskrit Department in Adyar Library&Research Centre
Sri M
17:00 - 18:00
2 January 2023

BESANT LECTURE: "Wisdom of the Ancients"

Sri M

Spiritual teacher, social reformer, educationist, author, and global speaker

Wisdom of the Ancients – The talk will draw from the knowledge and insights from the ageless scriptures – the Vedas and the Upanishads that remain relevant even today for people seeking to explore consciousness and find their true identity.  


Besant Lecture is a category of memorial lectures that started in 1947. The subjects of this category are related to religion, spirituality, the culture and welfare of India, or the progress of humanity, and will be open to the public.


Sri M
Spiritual teacher, social reformer, educationist, author, and global speaker
19:00 - 20:30
2 January 2023

Theosophical Quiz

Pedro Oliveira will lead us to learn theosophical interests from the Society's history through the Quiz.

The history of the Theosophical Society was written by the lives of unique individuals but also by members around the world, for more than 147 years.

In this history there were outstanding achievements, moments of soul-searching, and many acts of selfless service that contributed to make the soul of our society robust, vibrant and ready for its next step in the evolution of the world. This Theosophical quiz will explore some of such moments.

In typical Theosophical tradition, the results of the quiz will be uploaded, effortlessly, into the greatest server of all: the Akashic Records!


Pedro Oliveira
Member of the Australian Section
08:30 - 09:30
3 January 2023

Interview on "Service across Communities for Humans and Animals"

An interview between Douglas Keene (Vice-President of TS in America) and Shravan Krishnan (Coordinator of Besant Memorial Animal Dispensary, BMAD).
Interviewer is Patrizia Calvi (Secretary of the TS in Italy).

Douglas Keene has been working as a doctor in rural northwest Alaska, training native doctors in Lesotho, and something more for human good.

Shravan Krishnan is the successful coordinator of Besant Memorial Animal Dispensary, animal rescuer, activist, and everything for good for animals' wellbeing.


Shravan Krishnan
Coordinator of BMAD
Douglas Keene
National President of the Theosophical Society in America
Patrizia Calvi
Secretary of the TS in Italy
10:00 - 11:00
3 January 2023

Panel "Our Responsibility in the Interconnected World"

The Panel discussion is on the theme of the Convention. Panelists will give a short presentation on the subject after which the moderator will lead the discussion with the panelists.

Speakers are

Deepa Padhi, International Vice-President of the TS, India; she will also act as the moderator

Enrique Reig, President of the Inter-American Theosophical Federation, Mexico

Narendra Shah, General Secretary of the TS in East&Central Africa, Kenya



Narendra Shah
General Secretary of the TS in East & Central Africa
Enrique Reig
President of the Interamerican Theosophical Federation
Deepa Padhi
International Vice-President of the Theosophical Society
11:00 - 11:40
3 January 2023

Informal Discussion Groups

After the talks

Discussion groups
13:30 - 15:00
3 January 2023

OMHHS Cultural Activities

Olcott Memorial Higher Secondary School presents cultural activities

15:00 - 16:00
3 January 2023

Workshops in four different places

Choose which workshop you like to join. You can change the workshop next day if you wish.

1. "Mini" School of the Wisdom (SOW)

"Theosophy and Ecology: Practical Wisdom for Living in the Contemporary World"

The three days workshop focuses on practical ways to broaden and deepen our sense of self beyond the narrow ego to an identification with all living beings. 

Moderator: Erica Georgiades, Director of the School of the Wisdom

Venue: Adyar Theatre

(1st January: Linda Oliveira)

(2nd January: Radha Raghunathan)

3rd January: Pradeep Gohil 


2. Chanting workshop

Facilitator Ms Jaishree Kannan, TS Adyar

Venue: Headquarters Hall

Delegates attending all the 3 sessions would be able to chant a Shanti Mantra or two at the end of 3rd session. The leader recommends the ancient Vedic way of learning chanting which is by complete listening. Hence there would not be any written material required nor does it require any stationery ( paper, pen, pencil etc.) Let there be peace by chanting the Shanti Mantra.


3. Science and Compassion workshop

Facilitator Mr Janne Vuononvirta, General Secretary of the Finnish Section

Venue: Library, Conference Hall

(1st January: The Power of Compassion)

(2nd January: Compassion for Oneself)

3rd January: Compassion for Others

Compassion is in the core of every true spiritual tradition. During the past decades a growing body of scientific research on compassion has emerged. This scientific knowledge can help us to deepen our understanding of the value of compassion in our personal lives and in the world in general. We can frame compassion as a set of skills that can be developed and trained. In this workshop we investigate together the connection between theosophical and scientific understanding of compassion and the practices how to built the skills of the heart.


4. Learning and Growing with Transformative Education

Facilitator: Sonal Murali

Venue: Blavatsky Bungalow upstairs

The main flaw of education today is that ‘a lot is taught but little is learnt or understood’. And that little has little relevance in life later on. At Adyar Theosophical Academy, we believe for education to be meaningful, it must be transformative. The emphasis is on immersive learning, through hands-on discovery and usage of all senses, guided by the principles of respect, responsibility and community. The theosophical approach to education is to see that the uniqueness of each child is celebrated, drawn out and given wings to express in myriad ways freely. In our tranquil campus, we see the transformative journeys of our teachers and students, learning from and in nature. Join us, as we share inspiring stories from our experience of learning and growing through Transformative Education.


Erica Georgiades
Director of the School of the Wisdom of Adyar, living in Greece
Janne Vuononvirta
General Secretary of the Finnish Section
Jaishree Kannan
Librarian and Officer in charge of the Surendra Narayan Archives
Sonal Murali
Director of Adyar Theosophical Academy
Pradeep Gohil
President of the Indian Section of the Theosophical Society
17:00 - 18:00
3 January 2023

PUBLIC LECTURE: "One Without a Second"

Dr Ravi Ravindra

Prof. Emeritus, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

A central idea of the Vedic tradition is that the whole manifested universe emanated from Brahman, which the Upanishads describe as ekam evādvītīyam (one only, without a second).”  Consequently, in the Indian spiritual teachings the emphasis is on oneness of all there is, but in the Abrahamic teachings the emphasis is on the uniqueness of each creature. In the Indian teachings sticking to one’s individuality is a mark of ignorance, whereas in the Abrahamic spirituality an awareness of individuality coveys a sense of responsibility. 

In my presentation I will address the issue of the good as well as the undesirable consequences of an exclusive emphasis either on oneness of all beings or on uniqueness of each creature.


Dr Ravi Ravindra
Professor Emeritus at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
19:30 - 20:30
3 January 2023

Dance performance by Malavika Sarukkai

Evening of classical dance by Dancer-Choreographer Malavika Sarukkai


Malavika Sarukkai
Dancer, Choreographer, Mentor
08:30 - 09:30
4 January 2023

Symposium on "Interconnection"

1. "I am because we are: a dynamic link"

Catalina Isaza-Cantor, Colombia, Resident in Adyar

We are constantly creating our own reality, and we also build each other, sometimes without realising it. We are not isolated individuals: movement and relationship are inherent to our existence. What is the nature of that relationship? What connects us and at which levels? Why do we feel separated from each other? How do we deal with it? Is there something beyond that?  Let us explore together these and other aspects of this dynamic relationship.

2. “Bringing Interconnectedness into Every Moment of Our Daily Life”

Francis Lim, Singapore

3. “Dwelling in union with the Divine”

Sara Ortega van Vloten, Spain


Catalina Isaza-Cantor
Member in the TS in Colombia, resident in Adyar
Sara Ortega van Vloten
Member in the TS in Spain
Francis Lim
Member of the Singapore Lodge of the Theosophical Society
10:00 - 11:00
4 January 2023

Questions & Answers

Questions from the delegates given during the Convention are gathered for prominent theosophists to answer with their wisdom. They are

Tim Boyd (USA/Adyar), Marcos de Resende (Brazil), Pedro Oliveira (Australia) and a Lady


Tim Boyd
International President of the Theosophical Society
Pedro Oliveira
Member of the Australian Section
Marcos de Resende
Ex-General Secretary of the TS in Brazil
12:00 - 14:00
4 January 2023

Indian Section Council Meeting - II

For Indian Section Council members only


Pradeep Gohil
President of the Indian Section of the Theosophical Society
14:00 - 15:00
4 January 2023

Admission of new members

New Members will receive their Diploma from the International President Tim Boyd who will also give a welcoming address to the new members.

All are invited to attend and support this admission.


Tim Boyd
International President of the Theosophical Society
15:00 - 16:00
4 January 2023

Plenary Session

World Federation of Young Theosophists (WFYT) presents itself and questions can be asked

Reports from the discussions and workshops

Tim Boyd
17:00 - 18:00
4 January 2023

PRESIDENT'S LECTURE: "The Choice to Be Whole"

Tim Boyd

International President of the Theosophical Society

The conditions we face in the world and in our individual lives are the result of our choices. Whether it is the practice of science, or traditional religion we have divided the world and lost a sense of interconnection. Our long history of choices based on a partial view has created both strong challenges and a rising awareness of alternative possibilities. Wholeness is a choice, a need, and the truth of who we are.


Tim Boyd
International President of the Theosophical Society
18:00 - 18:30
4 January 2023

Closing of the Convention

Closing words by the President

Vote of Thanks, Convention Officer


Tim Boyd
International President of the Theosophical Society
15:00 - 16:00
30 December 2022

NOTE on 30 December: Flower Ceremony

Order of the Round Table perform the Flower Ceremony which is open

Delegates can watch the Ceremony and are requested to occupy seats by 2.45 PM

At 3 PM the ceremony starts

After the ceremony at around 4.00 PM Order of the Round Table, Council meeting takes place

08:30 - 09:30
31 December 2022

Opening of the Convention on 31 December

Prayers of Religions

Olcott Memorial Higher Secondary School children chant

Universal Prayer

Greetings from the Sections, Associations, Agencies

Invocation and opening words by the International President

Message from the President

The spiritual life has many paradoxes. It is both a life of intense personal inward focus and a life of compassionate outward expression. It is individual and societal, demanding that what is seen is expressed in action. Vision carries responsibility. The growing awareness of interconnection, not only as a human family, but at every level of being, requires appropriate creative response, particularly from those who see it most clearly. Our continuous contribution to the shared stream of thought and emotion is a beginning point, but it must not end there. It is the responsibility of anyone who is “awake” to seek and find ways to help.


Tim Boyd
International President of the Theosophical Society
09:30 - 10:30
31 December 2022

Presidential Address

Tim Boyd

International President, Adyar

Report of Activities of the TS worldwide in 2021-22


Tim Boyd
International President of the Theosophical Society
11:00 - 12:00
31 December 2022

Opening the stalls of OES and BMAD


11:00 AM

1. First to walk from Adyar Theatre to open the stall of BMAD at

Kasi Vilas near Admin building

BMAD = Besant Memorial Animal Dispensary

2. Continue to walk from Kasi Vilas to open the stall of OES

Near Enquiry Office

OES = Olcott Education Society

The Society has the two following functions

SWC = Social Welfare Centre

VTC = Vocational Training Centre


13:30 - 15:30
31 December 2022

Inaugurations of Archives and Art Exhibition

Inauguration on 31 December at 1:30 PM

Venue: Adyar Library and Research Centre

1 Surendra Narayan Archives

Archives moved to the library building in 2019 but now we will have a representative of Surendra Narayan family to inaugurate it.

Exhibition is open daily during the Convention from 1:30 to 3:00 PM

2 Art Exhibition

Artist Shiva Ram, Chennai, India

Paintings can be bought from the Artist

Vibrant colours and Straight Lines are unique to the Artist. He says: "Life is colorful. Enjoy every moment cheerfully and live Divenly."

Shiva Ram has nearly 50 artworks at Chennai Airport.

Exhibition is open daily during the Convention from 1:30 to 3:00 PM

14:30 - 15:30
31 December 2022

Inauguration of two Exhibitions at the Headquarters building

31 December at 2:30 PM

Open daily from 1:30 to 3:00 PM

1. Museum’s permanent exhibition

Display of precious artworks, sculptures, paintings, gifts to the Founders and prominent Theosophists.

2. 100 years of Brahmavidya Ashrama and the School of the Wisdom

The exhibition is based on material from the Surendra Narayan Archives 


15:30 - 17:00
31 December 2022


Tea and coffee and snacks with delegates to meet each other near the Admin building

17:00 - 18:00
31 December 2022

THEOSOPHY-SCIENCE LECTURE: "Science: How far can we go?"

Dr Manu Jaiswal,

Associate Professor at the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Our daily lives are soaked in materialism commonly attributed to scientific revolutions – automobiles, electronic gadgets, and the internet. Scientific research has served as a potent weapon against disease, hunger, and disasters. To the serious student, Science offers a peep into the intricate workings of the machinery of the universe at every conceivable energy, length, and time scale. Are there any inherent limits to what Science can offer us? Are the grand heights of Truth all set to be scaled by Science, or are we missing the wood for the trees?


Dr Manu Jaiswal
Professor at the Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Ritual of the Mystic Star
Ritual of the Mystic Star
19:30 - 20:30
31 December 2022

Ritual of the Mystic Star

Ritual of the Mystic Star