17:00 - 18:00
31 December 2024

The Value of Joy in Self-Transformation

Kurt tells about the lecture:

For years, I have been working to develop a basic spiritual practice, simple and easy to remember, but profound in its effects in supporting personal transformation through the development of unity consciousness (i.e., buddhi, in the form of universal brotherhood). The practice is: (1) Show up; (2) Be fully present; (3) Be kind to yourself and others (in thought, feeling, speech, and action); and (4) Find a step to take in (mutual) joy. This is a much-condensed version of teachings found (for example) in Annie Besant's The Laws of the Higher Life and J. Krishnamurti's At the Feet of the Master. It can be practically applied to any inner or outer experience, any relationship with others, and even to our study of Theosophy itself. The key is spontaneous joy, the feeling we experience whenever we take a step closer to unity consciousness, whether within ourselves or with others. Such joy is both the reward of and the incentive for further self-transformation--and I believe its pursuit is the most practical expression of Theosophy as a yoga of union with God.


Kurt Leland
International Lecturer